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POWER Parchment Prism Pulka Mortar Meta Millennium Minaret

This document complies with the International Standard (ISO/IEC 15445).

The Sniff and Divert Script


DO NOT make yourself any illusions. Millions of Microsoft users won't accept any excuses or explanations if your web site doesn't show up as expected. They will blame you, since you are responsible for the site, and they will never admit that they might be using a faulty browser. You have to take this into account when planning your site.

And not only Microsoft adapts, but Netscape users as well, would feel they have the right to employ whatever equipment they'd like to surf the Internet, and if something's not showing up right, they will simply turn elsewhere, and you will stand without a potential lot of visitors and surely lose customers.

The obvious solution is to know the computer's environment, e.g. operating system, screen resolution, web browser typical functionalities like java, cookies, stylesheets (and level thereof), javascript, the computer's language etc. etc.

Then it's a small matter to let your visitor have the HTML or JavaScript code, which already is brought in line with the current equipment — or sometimes bring a simple message.

The Script comes in three parts. The first is a script code (see the code page), that you should put into the HEAD of the web page. The second part is a script source file1, which you generate yourself by aid of a form (see the code page). The remaining part is a ready-made script source file. It's at approximately 29 kilobyte, and you really never have to read the code. This file has been continuously up-dated from 2001 and on.

The functions of the Script will create objects and properties, which will be used for letting the browsers grab fit pages, in order that the web experience turns out smooth and simple in the surfer's — your customer's — eyes.   /Mikael

Here is where you get it:

1) In the online version, this script source file is removed and the entire script integrated with the HEAD code.

  Version 3 available for quick and easy copy/paste:

  Easy Sniffers for Business Sites and Personal Sites

© 2001-2005 The Script is FREE FOR USE if author info is provided.

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