The uaenvir.js help file
The functions in this file are controlled by
Exami( )
in the accompanying script source file
uaexami.js, on which they depend. This file uses expressions and a
syntax, that will break script engines older than
JavaScript language version 1.2
Netscape and
Internet Explorer, both versions 3 and earlier).
The navigator object
Completing the JavaScript language version check from ua.js,
and setting the number value to 1.5 if appropriate.
The envir object
This script source file uses the functions Envir, Dom and Extra to set a
number of properties for the envir, envir.dom and envir.extra objects.
Properties set by Envir(gen,vers)
This function is executed by the function Exami in the uaexami.js file.
The arguments:
The browser generation as a number integer from
navigator.appCodeNameSub, normally 4 (for DHTML browsers) or
5 (for W3C DOM standards and ECMAScript compliant
This script code version, as for now the string v3.1.3
The primary properties:
This property equals the
navigator.OS in the by now dated Practical Browser
win for all Windows platforms
mac for all Macintosh platforms
nix for all Unix like platforms
- an empty string if platform is not one of the above
boolean depending on whether java is installed and enabled.
boolean depending on whether java is enabled and compliance with the
W3C DOM (level 1) and ECMAScript.
boolean same as above, but also depending on whether cookies are enabled (which may be a
prerequisite for online business).
number, which typically is 0, 0.3, 0.6,
0.8 or 1 depending on browser support of CSS version 1.
number, which typically is 0, 0.5, 1,
1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 2 or
2.1 depending on browser support of CSS version 2.
Based on navigator.language, navigator.userLanguage or
language-code in the usual two-letter syntax (e.g. en for English)
- an empty string if not reported by the browser
As above, but also specifying the region by country (such as "en-GB" for British English).
language-code-country-code if the browser reports both (e.g. en-GB)
language-code if the country is not reported by the browser (e.g. en)
- an empty string if not reported by the browser
number corresponding to the timezone relative to GMT, e.g. 1 if
in Western Europe. (This property is taking measures not to be confused by DST.)
boolean Old world timezones (from Cape Verde to Japan and Australia)
boolean New world timezones (incl. the Pacific and Far Eastern parts of Russia)
Returns a number
0 screen resolution is less than 256 colours
1 screen resolution is 256 colours
2 screen resolution is 16-bits (high) colour
3 screen resolution is 24-bits colour
4 screen resolution is 32-bits (true) colour
Returns a number
0 screen resolution is less than 640 x 480 pixels
1 screen resolution is at least 640 x 480 pixels
2 screen resolution is at least 800 x 600 pixels
3 screen resolution is at least 1024 x 768 pixels
4 screen resolution is at least 1152 x 864 pixels
5 screen resolution is at least 1280 x 1024 pixels
6 screen resolution is at least 1600 x 1200 pixels
boolean depending on whether the screen resolution is set to 640 x 480 pixels or less.
boolean depending on whether the screen resolution is set to at least 800 x 600 pixels
and 256 colours.
boolean depending on whether the screen resolution is set to at least 1024 x 768 pixels
and 16-bits (high) colour.
boolean depending on whether the browser is at least 4th generation (versions 4+) i.e.
DHTML capable.
boolean same as above, but also depending on whether the browser has CSS1
(fully) implemented.
boolean depending on whether the browser is at least 5th generation (versions 5+) i.e.
W3C industry standards compliant.
boolean same as above, but also depending on whether the browser is to a great extent
ready for XHTML and CSS2, and if it's implementing compatiblity mode.
The secondary properties:
object Creating this object while sending a number of arguments to
Extra(arguments array)
consisting of potential plug-ins mime
object Creating this object and conditionally setting one property:
Describing the occurrence of any W3C DOM compliance (cp. the next paragraph)
false if the gen argument (the general user agent version, i.e. the
so-called browser generation) is less than 5.
Properties set by Dom( )
Describing the level of W3C DOM compliance reported by the browser
number corresponding to the level of the DOM: 0,
1, 2, or 3
false if not supported
true if HTML level 1
number corresponding to the level of HTML: 2
false if not supported
true if XML level 1
number corresponding to the level of XML: 2 or
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of Range: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of Traversal: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of Views: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of StyleSheets: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of CSS: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of CSS2: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of Events: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of UIEvents: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of MouseEvents: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of MutationEvents: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of HTMLEvents: 2
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of LS: 3
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of LS-Async: 3
false if not supported
number corresponding to the level of Validation: 3
Properties set by Extra(arguments array)
The arguments:
The arguments coming from the Envir function are any number of unmodified mime types
strings, used by this function to check the availability of plug-ins for these mime types. To decide on the
types checked, uaenvir.js must be edited. By default thirteen checks are made for demonstration
purposes. They are not listed here. We should only look at Macromedia Flash for illustration.
The properties:
Describing the occurrence of any other envir.extra properties
boolean depending on whether the navigator.mimeTypes array are used by the
browser and the type of navigator.javaEnabled is function.
Making a difference between Sun (or equivalent) and alternative java
boolean depending on whether (Sun) java is enabled
undefined (or null) if another technology is applied; cp.
above, in which case a boolean value is always returned
Uses java's Abstract Window Toolkit to decide on the screen's color model
number of bits per pixel, typically 8, 16, 24
false if java is disabled
undefined (or null) if not applicable
Uses java's Abstract Window Toolkit to decide on the screen's width
number of pixels, typically 640, 800, 1024
false if java is disabled
undefined (or null) if not applicable
Uses java's Abstract Window Toolkit to decide on the screen's height
number of pixels, typically 480, 600, 768 etc.
false if java is disabled
undefined (or null) if not applicable
Uses java's Abstract Window Toolkit to decide on the screen's resolution
number of bits per pixel, e.g. 96
false if java is disabled
undefined (or null) if not applicable
Checking if the browser is prepared to harbour a plug-in for the particular mime type. Notice that
"/" and "-" in the type description, transform into underscores in the property name.
boolean depending on whether application/x-shockwave-flash occurs in
navigator.mimeTypes[ ]
undefined (or null) if not applicable
Checking if a plug-in is enabled for the particular mime type. Notice that the
string before and including the "/" in the type description transforms into "plugin_" and
that all "-" transform into underscores in the property name.
boolean depending on whether application/x-shockwave-flash returns
true for navigator.mimeTypes[ ].enabledPlugin
undefined (or null) if not applicable